International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health

WELCOME TO ICSPAH 欢迎来到国际华人体育与健康学会

  • To facilitate professional growth

  • To strengthen research and education in international communities

  • To promote healthy and physically active lifestyles

President's Message


Dear members, colleagues, teachers, and students,


Welcome to the official website of the International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health (ICSPAH). As a non-profit professional organization, ICSPAH is dedicated to fostering the professional growth and development of its members while championing healthy and physically active lifestyles. Our mission is realized through the promotion of international collaboration in research and education, bridging communities around the globe.


We take immense pride in our vibrant membership, which includes hundreds of esteemed lifetime members, regular members, and student members. Our members represent a diverse and accomplished community of distinguished university professors, prolific scholars, dedicated physical education teachers, and ambitious graduate students from the United States, China, and many other countries.


With the active engagement and invaluable contributions of all members, ICSPAH has achieved steady growth and remarkable success over the past two decades, becoming a thriving hub of innovation and excellence in the field of physical activities and health.


As the president of the ICSPAH, I will work diligently with the 2024-2025 ICSPAH Executive Council (EC) members: Dr. Xiangli Gu (The President-Elect), Dr. Weiyun Chen (The Immediate Past-President), Dr. Jiling Liu (The Secretary), Dr. Xiaoxia Zhang (The Treasurer), Dr. Yang Bai (The Business Manager), and Mr. Zicheng Wang (The Student Representative) to accomplish the following objectives:

作为 ICSPAH的 现任主席,我将与 2024-2025 ICSPAH 执委会成员: 顾湘丽博士(当选主席)、陈蔚云博士(前任主席)、刘继领博士(秘书长)、张晓霞博士(财务长)、白洋博士(业务主管)、王梓城先生(学生代表)一起努力工作,完成以下目标:

1.To improve the quality of professional services through 提高专业服务质量

A) Creating an online abstract submission system 创建在线摘要提交系统

B) Periodically updating the ICSPAH official website定期更新ICSPAH官网

C) Periodically updating the ICSPAH newsletter 定期更新 ICSPAH 时事通讯

2.To enhance the dissemination of cutting-edge research and innovative teaching through 加强前沿研究和创新教学的传播

A) Holding monthly scholar lectures via online platform 通过在线平台举办月度专家学者讲座

B) Organizing and holding the 2024 ICSPAH Annual Conference with a format of in person and/or a hybrid 以面对面和/或混合形式组织和举行2025年ICSPAH 年会

C) Publishing selected abstracts presented at the 2023 Annual Conference on the International Journal of Physical Activity and Health, which is sponsored by the ICSPAH在ICSPAH 赞助的,国际体育活动与健康杂志上发表在2025年国际华人体育与健康年会上报告的精选摘要

3.To facilitate collaborations between the ICSPAH EC and China’s Divisions and collaborative research and teaching projects among the ICSPAH members. 促进 ICSPAH 执委会与中国各分会之间的合作以及ICSPAH成员之间的合作研究和教学项目。

Together, we are strong, active, and healthy. Looking forward to working with you for having a very successful and productive year ahead.




Dr. James J. Zhang 张建辉博士

President of ICSPAH 国际华人体育与健康学会主席

The University of Georgia 佐治亚大学