Professor: Dr. Weidong Li, Ohio State University

Topic: Research Topics of Physical Education and Teacher Education in U.S.

Introduction of the professor: Dr. Weidong Li is a tenured professor in the Department of Human Sciences at Ohio State University. He received his Ph.D. in Sports Pedagogy in 2004 and a M.S. degree in Experimental statistics in 2003 from Louisiana State University. His research focuses oncurriculum, student motivation, and learning in physical education. He has had a total of 155 publications, including 84 peer-reviewed journal articles, 56 abstracts, seven chapters in edited books, one single-author book, six edited books, and one textbook. Dr. Li’s Google Scholar H-index is 31, and his i10-index is 51 with 3417 citations. Dr. Li served as editor-in chief of the Journal of Teaching in Physical Education from 2014 to 2018 and President of the International Chinese Society for Physical Activity and Health from 2022-2023. Currently, Dr. Li serves as Chair of the SHAPE American Research Council. Dr. Li has received several major national awards and is a Fellow of the National Academy of Kinesiology.

Host:Professor Xiangli Gu, University of Texas at Orrington, USA; Professor Jianhui Zhang, University of Georgia, USA

other news and activities……

Successful Completion of 2021 ICSPAH Virtual Conference

Due to COVID-19, the ICSPAH annual conference took place online. The two-day event focused on the topic of “Enhancing Physical Education, Physical Activity and Well-Being." The conference started with an opening ceremony on Friday, May 28, 8:00 PM ET, followed by two keynote presentations. The Academic Symposium, consisting of four oral presentation groups, lasted for about two hours. On May 29, service, teaching, and research awards were presented to recipients. Two keynote speakers shared experiences in China. Finally, the conference concluded with the ICSPAH general assembly meeting, when three new officers (President-elect, Secretary, and Student Representative) were elected.

ICSPAH 微信平台系列学术讲座

基于微信平台的学术讲座在 2021 年三月继续进 行。华中师范大学的陈元欣教授作为讲座嘉宾做 了精彩演讲。讲座题目是“中国体育场馆运营改 革展望”。

陈元欣教授是华中师范大学体育系副主任,博士 生导师,武汉市政协委员。2012 年入选教育部新 世纪优秀人才支持计划,北京体育大学博士后, 美国纽黑文大学、韦恩州立大学访问学者,中国 体育场馆协会专家、中国体育科学学会体育产业 分会委员、湖北省体育产业专家咨询委员会委 员。陈教授受邀担任上海体育学院体育产业发展 研究院、江苏省体育产业协同创新中心、江苏省 现代体育产业研究中心和中国体育场馆协会体育 场馆运营研究中心特聘研究员。长期从事体育场 馆运营和体育产业政策研究工作,先后主持国家 社科基金项目 3 项,省部级课题 10 多项,出版有 关体育场馆方面的学术专著 8 部。曾受邀参与起 草国家八部委关于大型体育场馆运营政策、大型 体育场馆免费低收费开放补助资金管理办法等政 策研制工作,受邀参与国务院 2014 年 46 号文件 的前期理论研究工作,主持起草《湖北省人民政 府关于加快发展体育产业 促进体育消费的实施意 见》。2014 年因在体育场地普查工作中做出突出 贡献,被体育总局授予“全国体育事业突出贡献 奖”。受邀担任湖北省大型体育场馆运营管理改 革试点工作专家。曾受邀为国家体育总局经济 司、群体司、福建省体育局、江苏省体育局、甘 肃省体育局等培训班授课。


Daryl Siedentop (1938-2021)

It is with sadness that we share the news that Professor Daryl Siedentop passed away July 15, 2021, in Westerville, Ohio. Daryl Siedentop was born on July 28, 1938, and spent his childhood in Chicago, then graduated from Hope College in 1960. Daryl earned his master’s degree from Western Michigan University and his doctorate in physical education from Indiana University. In 1970 he joined the faculty at The Ohio State University where he spent the rest of his professional career. Daryl was a distinguished teacher and scholar, and a prolific author, publishing 12 books. He served as co- editor for six research monographs and published more than 80 refereed articles in well-known, scholarly, journals, and was a keynote speaker at numerous professional conferences. Daryl received many awards and honors through his career, including the 1984 International Olympic Committee President’s Award (Samaranch Award), which is the highest honor for work in sport pedagogy.

Daryl is survived by his wife Bobbie, his brother Sir Larry Siedentop, of England; Martha Holloway (Jim Kline), Tim Holloway (Cathy Kane-Holloway), Ron Hutchison; nieces and nephews Timmy, Casey and Caitlin Holloway, and Laura Hutchison.

Dr. Tao Zhang Named FACSM

Dr. Tao Zhang, Director of the Pediatric Movement and Physical Activity Laboratory at the University of North Texas, has been named a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (FACSM), by the American College of Sports Medicine in 2020. ACSM Fellowship is an elite member status for long term Professional Members, who have provided significant service to ACSM. These members have demonstrated high standards of professional development and shown a commitment to the goals and long-range activities of the College. The purpose of fellowship is to recognize commendable service to ACSM; to encourage continued service to the College in a leadership role with ongoing dedication; also, to recognize distinguished achievement in sports medicine and related disciplines.

Sponsored by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Tao Zhang is working with his colleagues for a two-year Project MOVE (Minority Obesity Vanquished with Education). Guided by the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model, the goal of this Project MOVE is to determine the efficacy of a Head Start center-based and home-based physical activity intervention on racially, ethnically, and socioeconomically disadvantaged preschoolers’ health outcomes. Aimed at achieving health equity, Project MOVE is designed to create and sustain a comprehensive, developmentally, and culturally appropriate physical activity intervention that may be implemented with underserved preschoolers in Head Start centers.


俄亥俄州立大学李卫东教授及其团队在成都体育学院学报发表了四篇文章。其中, “美国城市社区体育的发展模式,组织型态与经验”被人民大学复印转载。“国内外 体育素养文献分析与对比研究”被列入 C 刊公号热文-体育学(1-3 月)。

王涛, 李卫东(2020). 美国体育课程教学模式的历史演进及其实践启示. 成都体育学院学报,46, 34-41.

李卫东,沈鹤军,朱乔(2021). 国内外体育素养文献分析与对比研究. 成都体育学院学 报, 47, 41-49.

杨小帆,吴相雷,李卫东,陶玉流 (2021). 美国城市社区体育的发展模式、组织型态与 经验。成都体育学院学报,47, 79-86.

金晶,李卫东,马莲,唐炎 (2021).体育教学实验干预的执行效度:定义、概念框架与 测评体系, 成都体育学院学报,47, 66-71.

ICSPAH EC Meeting Updates

Two monthly meetings have been held since the new ICSPAH Executive Council (EC) formed. The meetings centered on the following topics.

(1). Newsletter. The ICSPAH newsletter used to be issued quarterly. However, due to challenges in collecting information, especially during the pandemic, its issues have been reduced to 2-3 times a year. At the same time, the EC members raised concerns about the newsletter’s viewing rates. The EC members discussed possible solutions to these problems. The Secretary, Dr. Jiling Liu, created a survey to learn about opinions toward the newsletter among all ICSPAH members. The survey includes 5 questions and can be taken within a few minutes on Qualtrics (QR code available below). Please complete it if you can for us to improve our communication with all members like you.

(2). ICSPAH Journal. Thanks to all past and present EC members’ continuous effort, the ICSPAH journal keeps progressing toward the initial publication. Currently, the editorial board is holding meetings to set a timeline and detail every step. The journal will be online, and published 2-3 issues a year. Once the journal is all set, we will send out a call for submission, and all qualified abstracts presented during the 2021 ICSPAH virtual conference will be published in it.

(3). Call for Abstract. Due to the recurring pandemic, we are facing uncertainties whether our next annual conference will be held in person or online. There are also negotiations needed to do with SHAPE America regarding charging fees and using facilities. Once the negotiation is done, we will send out a call for abstract at the earliest time.

(4). Online Lecture Series. The ICSPAH online lecture series will continue, organized by Dr. Weidong Li. The EC discussed possible topics such as teaching evaluation and preparation for promotion. The lecture series will start as early as September this year.

(5). ICSPAH Website. The contract for the previous ICSPAH official website has expired. Dr. You Fu has purchased a new domain that will last for 10 years. Building the new website will begin in September. You will be notified once it is ready to access.

(6). Changes in Fees. To maintain the ICSPAH’s proper functions, the EC is in the process of discussing possible changes in member and registration fees. Details will be disclosed once a change is decided.

Call for Information

If you are willing to share your updates of your scholarly activities and achievements with all ICSPAH members, please do not hesitate to send the information to Dr. Jiling Liu at